Gestalte deine Geschichte selbst
About mitkollektiv
We are a group of artists and educators who work through an intersectional and antiracist lens to disrupt and intervene in traditional models of education. Our perspectives are shaped by the affinities and experiences we hold in the group: Black and PoC, queer, non-binary, immigrant and with varying class and gender identities.
The founding members of mitkollektiv (July 2020 – July 2021) were:
Katie Lee Dunbar (direction) I Hagar Ophir (Co-direction) I Karen Michelsen Castañón (Co-direction) I May Lee I Lisa Ribler I Maciré Schuster
The power-critical interventions were designed and implemented by all members of the collective working in different constellations together.

Thank you to our project partners:
Tivolotte Mädchenclub:
Die Remise:
Young Arts Neukölln:
Galerie im Turm:
Al Berlin:
From the 27th – 29th of May 2021, mitkollektiv will be participating in the Kontext Schule Festival where we will be presenting our project and testing out methods for toolkits in arts education. Check back soon to learn more!
Currently the “hör x zu” project is producing a podcast on sex education in schools. For past and upcoming podcasts, check out the hör x zu / mit kollektiv instagram page.
Starting now and until the spring, educators from around Berlin will be taking part in our four-part workshop series on disrupting systems of oppression in schools and in their own classrooms. You can learn more about the documentation of our process though this link: educator-workshops
If you’d like to learn more about in-depth examples and the resources we develop during the workshops, you can sign up for our mitkollektiv toolkit here.

The Project
Reimagine Jetzt!
Gestalte deine Geschichte selbst
As an educator, do you wish that you could integrate artistic methods with societal themes in your teaching? Do you feel that there is too little time for critical reflection in lessons? Do you notice how many societal perspectives are underrepresented in the curriculum and learning materials?
Over the past year, we have offered various workshops and working groups/AGs on these questions. To learn more on the project weeks, AGs, and educator workshops, please click the links below.
Can you imagine having one place where you can find and share critical learning materials about different themes? Are you interested in networking with other educators and artists? Would you like to be part of a platform that helps make your perspective visible? Our toolkit documents the process of our work as well as shares the wide scope of resources we have with a broader community. The voices of all participants are directly part of this toolkit.
Are you an artist working in education? Are you a teacher hoping to share and access resources? To find out more, please click the “toolkit” button below to register.